The Puppet Show Bruno Saravia

The Puppet Show Bruno Saravia con su canción oficial para escuchar en línea. La letra de The Puppet Show ha sido publicada en la categoría Rock

656 232 2016-08-14

Letra The Puppet Show Bruno Saravia

The Puppet Show Bruno Saravia

She is coming to papa
and all I wanna hear from you it is get in lova
yeah Yeah I'm coming moma
and all I wanna hear from you it is get in lova
yeah yeah you Know

I've been falling in an empty sky
we are going down, down, down
finding someone who can tell me now
If I'm right, right, right, you know

We gotta go for the love, I gotta fight for the love
and everybody is in the corner, hiding underground
we gotta go for the love, I gotta fight for the love
and everybody is in the corner, wait I'm coming for you

I'm coming for you
and All I want it's you
I'm coming for you
and All I want it's you

She is coming to papa
and all I wanna hear from you it is get in lova
yeah Yeah I'm coming moma
and all I wanna hear from you it is get in lova
yeah yeah you Know

We gotta go for the love, I gotta fight for the love
and everybody is in the corner, hiding underground
we gotta go for the love, I gotta fight for the love
and everybody is in the corner, wait I'm coming for you

I'm coming for you
and All I want it's you
I'm coming for you
and All I want it's you

She is coming to papa
and all I wanna hear from you it is get in lova
yeah Yeah I'm coming moma
and all I wanna hear from you it is get in lova
yeah yeah you Know

The Puppet Show

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