Extraordinary Prince Royce

Extraordinary Prince Royce con su canción oficial para escuchar en línea. La letra de Extraordinary ha sido publicada en la categoría Otros generos

2817 232 2015-07-01

Letra Extraordinary Prince Royce

Extraordinary Prince Royce

Sunday morning and cold rain is pouring down 
that's ok, I got sunshine next to me yeah 
out of coffee all we got is cereal 
but that's alright, cause I'm sharin with you

Jump in my 96 corolla roam the streets of Beverly Hills 
windows down you hair just blowing free yeah
ain't got no money baby I don't mind, feel like billionaires
all I neeed, is right here next to me

You make every day I feel like, another day in pasadise 
it's true, I have fallen in every way 
and I don't care what we do, every thing feels good with you 
it's true, like an extraordinary day

is what you are to me 
is what you are to me 
Extraordinary yeah...

Let's go to the park and talk about nothin 
it's alright, casuse it's all said anyway
let's go home wath TV, make love, fall a sleep
and tomorrow we'll do it again

You make every day I feel like, another day in paradise 
it's true, I have fallen in every way 
and I don't care what we do, every thing feels good with you 
it's true, like an extraordinary day

is what you are to me 
is what you are to me (x3)
Extraordinary yeah


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