Can t Remember to Forget You Shakira Ft Rihanna

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2990 232 2014-01-14

Letra Can t Remember to Forget You Shakira Ft Rihanna

Can t Remember to Forget You Shakira Ft Rihanna

I left a note on my bedpost
said not to repeat, yesterday s mistakes
what I tend to do, when it comes to you
I see only the good selective memory
the way he makes me feel, yeah
gotta hold on me I've never met
someone so different

Oh here we go
he a part of me now
he a part of me
so where you go I
follow, follow, follow

Oh, oh, oooh, oh
oh, oh, oooh, oh
I can t remember to forget you
oh, oh, oooh, oh
oh, oh, oooh, oh
I keep forgetting I should let you go

But when you look at me
the only memory
is us kissing in the moonlight
oh, oh, oooh, oh
oh, oh, oooh, oh
I can t remember to forget you...
I can t remember to forget you...

I go back again
fall off the train
land in his bed
repeat yesterday s mistakes
what I m trying to say is not to forget
you see only the good
selective memory

The way he makes me feel like
the way he makes me feel
I never seemed to act so stupid
oh here we go
he a part of me now
he a part of me
so where he goes I
follow, follow, follow

Oh, oh, oooh, oh
oh, oh, oooh, oh
I can t remember to forget you
oh, oh, oooh, oh
oh, oh, oooh, oh
I keep forgetting I should let you go

But when you look at me
the only memory
is us kissing in the moonlight
oh, oh, oooh, oh
oh, oh, oooh, oh
I can t remember to forget you

I rob and I kill to keep
him with me
I do anything for that boy
I d give my last dime to hold him tonight
I do anything for that boy

I rob and I kill to keep
him with me
I do anything for that boy
I d give my last dime to
hold him tonight
I do anything for that boy

Oh, oh, oooh, oh
oh, oh, oooh, oh
I can t remember to forget you
oh, oh, oooh, oh
oh, oh, oooh, oh
I keep forgetting I should let you go

But when you look at me
the only memory
is us kissing in the moonlight
oh, oh, oooh, oh
oh, oh, oooh, oh
I can t remember to forget you

But when you look at me
the only memory
is us kissing in the moonlight
oh, oh, oooh, oh
oh, oh, oooh, oh
I can t remember to forget you

Can t Remember to Forget You

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