Empire Shakira

Empire Shakira con su canción oficial para escuchar en línea. La letra de Empire ha sido publicada en la categoría Otros generos

1394 232 2014-03-18

Letra Empire Shakira

Empire Shakira

Take off all of your skin and brave when you are free
shake off all of your sins and give them to me
close up, let me back yeah I wanna be yours
wanna be your hero and my herat beats

Like the empires of the world unite
we are alive and the stars make
love to the universe you're mi wild fire
every single night, we are alive

And the stars make love to the universe
and you touch me and I'm like and I'm
like and I'm like ohhhh ohhhh

And I'm like ohhhh
and I'm like ohhhh
and I'm like ohhhh
and I'm like ohhhh

I will follow you down wherever you go
I, I'm baby I'm bound to you and do you know?
closer, pull me in tight, I wanna be yours
wanna be your hero, and my hert beats

Like the empires of the world unite
we are alive and the stars make
love to the universe you're mi wild fire
every single night, we are alive

And the stars make love to the universe
and you touch me and I'm like and I'm
like and I'm like ohhhh ohhhh
we are alive, and I'm like ohhhh
we are alive...

I'm just gonna raise my head
welcome to the final end
and I'm gonna fight
I'm just gonna raise my head
and hold you close

And the stars make love to the universe
and you touch me and I'm like and I'm
like and I'm like ohhhh ohhhh

And I'm like ohhhh
and I'm like ohhhh
and I'm like ohhhh


La letra de la cancion Empire - Shakira es propiedad de su respectivo autor, está publicada en musicayletras.co con fines meramente informativos y promocionales para cada artista.

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